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It’s taken me a long time to sit down and write this, and a lot of you are probably tired of hearing about me losing my dog...but I think she deserves to have her story told. In January 2002, my dad, brother and I drove back to Santa Clarita for my brothers Spring baseball tryouts at William S Hart. We got into town a little early (my dad lived in the San Fernando Valley at the time). We decided to stop by a card store so my brother and dad could look at Pokémon or Yugio or baseball cards. Whatever it was, I begged to go into the pet store while they looked around. I still remember it clear as day. Just inside the door was a two level puppy display. The top level was a little of dachshund puppies. I was barely tall enough to see in. The bottom level was a group of small white fluffy puppies. They looked like someone had spread out slightly browned cotton balls and assembled them into the shape of a puppy. Shihpoos. Most of the puppies for up and scratched at the glass. One small one s...

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